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Amount of Fine, Sentence of Imprisonment for non-payment of fine, when offence punishable with fine only - Section 63, 64, 65, 66,67,68,69,70 of Indian Penal Code 1860

The punishment for an offence may be Imprisonment with fine, Imprisonment only or Fine only. Sometimes the accused may not have the capacity to pay fine. In such circumstances the accused will be imprisoned for a fixed term for not paying the fine...

Law against Rape, punishment for rape - Section -375, 376, 376A, 376B, 376C, 376D of Indian Penal Code 1860 - Rape is a heinous crime like murder

Continuous increase in the rape incidents are a big concern for the society and people started demanding to adopt provision for death penalty/ capital punishment. We should analyze our custom and tradition also to identify the real reasons behind rape and to prevent such incidents...


Central Excise Registration - Documents required and Procedures - Online Central Excise registration

The manufacturers who are liable to pay Excise Duty and want to register with Central Excise Department may go through the guidance for registering their company or firm with Central Excise Department...


Indian Taxation System -The most complicated system filled with corruption

Indian Taxation system is structured in such way that even beggars are paying tax indirectly. The system is so complicated and strict that an accountant dealing in all these taxes will become diabetic patient before the age of 40 due to pressure of handling the complexity...


Service Tax Registration procedure: Documents required  for Registration, Payment of service tax, Filing of Service Tax Return, Penalty / Fine for delay

In response to the various queries of our clients, we are publishing information related to requirement of registration with service tax authority, time limit for payment of service tax, due date for filing service tax returns, penalties/fine for delay etc.


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