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Fundamental Rights of Indian Citizens as per constitution of India

These are Rights prescribed in the Constitution of India that provide equality to every single citizen of the country. There are also punishments prescribed in the Constitution for violating one's Fundamental Rights. It may also be death penalty or years of jail etc. These Punishments are prescribed in the IPC (Indian Penal Code). There is also punishment for people, groups, authorities, parties or nations trying to discriminate any other group or individual. All these rights can be suspended for a person in case of emergency.

Right to Equality
It is provided by Article - 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 of Indian Constitution
This guarantees every native to be equal in the nation. Every person has access to public areas or using any other public facilities. Special confines can be made by the religion or tribe. Everyone has the right to apply for government jobs; it depends upon their degree, knowledge or qualification. Untouchability is illegal; every person has the right to access, water resources, religious places etc. also the practice of untouchability has been now abolished. The people, parties or states the nation have no right to discriminate any citizen on the basis of his colour, caste, gender or physical characteristics. As we all know everyone is equal before the law. Citizens of India cannot acknowledge titles from an alien state. Every person is equally protected by the country. But still some people do not get their right there are people who face many discriminations in the day to day life. Many people face employment problems because of many factors of discrimination e.g. colour, caste, sex, or any other physical characteristics.

Right to Freedom
It is provided by Articles - 19, 20, 21 and 22
It refers to that every person is independent and has the right to participate in public activities. Freedom to create a group, society or a political party, freedom to practice any religion or follow any dharma. Citizens can live in part of India or settle there. They can move freely in any part of the nation. They have the right to employment. Any personality can do any job which may be a business, trade, etc... Those occupations should not lead to activities that may prove dangerous for human life or the ruin of society or natural diasters. In this everyone can participate in public activities eg: voting, elections, surveys etc… Any one can form associations, unions, committees, etc… this may be for vigorous purposes such as: charitable trusts, community halls and clubs. Any one can settle in any part of the country - but this is also restriction able as it is depended upon the interests of the public around. This also includes right to speech and expression - any one can present their problems or certain issues before the government and he/she has the right to get justice. The right to form an association and move freely in inhabit any division of the country. Any one can Practice any profession, occupation, or business. In my opinion freedom is the best a human soul can get . it shouldn't be taken away from anyone, everyone has an equal right to it.


Right against Exploitation
It is provided by Articles - 23 and 24
It the right to abolish human trafficking and child labour. Human Trafficking is the trade of human beings to other countries for slavery or femininity trade. Child Labour is working of children under the age of 14 in shops, factories and construction locations etc.… It will be perilous for children in working such places as such jobs require accomplished familiarity. However, this is the age of children for learning, studying not for working in the factories and doing laborious jobs. Below 14 is age of fun, learning and education that's not the time for handwork and overtime. Many of the children have faced serious losses in life. There is high amount of penalty for the employers. After the formation of this right women and children became safer in this country.

Right to Freedom and Religion
In India, any person can practice or follow any particular religion. Indian government permits all religions the freedom to practice in any part of the country peacefully. No person shall be compelled to recompense taxes for the promotion of a particular religion. Religious Communes are allowed to set up - religious buildings, bountiful trusts or any other holy property etc… Religious activities shall not distress the procedure of an active law. However, many incidents have happened. India everyone is equal in religion also. Everyone has that right to profess, practice and propagate any religion.


Right to Life
It is provided by Article - 21
No person shall be deprived off his life until the court announces death penalty for him. Death penalty is a part of private liberty. There is also Right to Life when a person is arrested the fundamental rights guaranteed to that person are:
-He/She should be presented before the magistrate between 24 hours.
-He has the right to defend himself by appointing a lawyer.
-Under preventive detention the person can be kept in the jail for only 3 months.
-The person should not be ill-treated or tortured in custody.
-Confessions made in the police station cannot be used as evidence against the accused.
-A boy below the age of 15 and a woman cannot be called for questioning.

It is one of the most important safety laws provided to the natives. Everyone is gifted life to live they can fulfill most of their needs by living their life. The only time when a person is forced to die is when the court pronounces death penalty him/her. Every person is different from each other with different tastes and styles or ambitions. Everyone has the right to live and full fill those ambitions.

Cultural and Educational Rights
It is provided by Article 29 and 30
The government allows all minorities and majorities to Practice their religion in order to preserve, develop and follow their religion. All such groups can set-up their education structures in order to preserve and Practice their culture. The State cannot discriminate or protest in the operation of such structures. These regional buildings often make charitable trusts for the needed ones. It's the duty of the natives to preserve their culture. No minority student will be denied for admission in a school made by a majority religion. Every private school has to give education to a minority religion child if the child has applied, the child should not be discriminated on the basis of caste, colour, sex or religion. The institutions also have to be persuaded that the cultural diversity of the realm is well-maintained in the form of miscellaneous languages and assorted religious groups. There should be high protection for the minorities as they may be in danger of the majorities because they are less in number. Government has set-up such articles, rights, laws and punishments to maintain equality and peace between all the religions and everyone gets a chance in life.

Right to Constitutional Remedies
The Constitution of India guarantees every person to keep his problems in the court where justice is provided and punishments are announced to the guilty. Anyone can approach the court if he/she believes that his/her Fundamental Rights have been violated. According to Article 32 anyone can fight their case. In case of an emergency this right is suspended. If justice is not provided violence will spread we couldn't live in this nation.

Author Vaishak

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