Persons with computer skill to develop and maintain website can earn thousands of dollars through different pay per click and affiliate programs. If you really interested to make money online by working from home or using part time jobs opportunity please you can chose this option to develop and run websites generating online income. You should use fresh content in your website. To start this business you have to do the following:
Book domain name and
web space from any reputed company.
While selecting service provider please ensure that the company is a
reputed one and do not impose hidden charges. e.g. some service
providers offer domain name and web space at cheap rate. But when
traffic increase in your site they will charge huge amount for band
Design, Develop and
upload your website
After booking domain name and web space, you may design, develop and
launch your website. Use genuine quality content with people interest
for your website.
Register with Pay-per-click Companies
Next step is to register your website with companies paying for
advertisement on your site.
some of the companies offering online income are:
Put advertisement
code on your website and upload
After getting approval from the company you can put advertisement
code on your website and up load it. Now your work is over. You will
receive income the amount of advertisement income according to the
payment policy of the company. Remember to update the website
regularly with fresh content.